
Monday, May 12, 2014

Divine Lime Chicken Tacos for Taco Tuesday!

Tomorrow is TACO TUESDAY and I have prepared already done most my prep work tonight because I have a lot to do tomorrow. This is KEY! Know what you are going to eat/cook AT LEAST 24 hours before you eat it! If you have a solid plan and prepare you are so much more likely to succeed. I promise! 

This is an ugly photo but it is what I've done tonight so bare with me and tomorrow I'll post the beautiful end result! 


Juice from 4 limes
1 sliced lime
¼ cup honey
1 tbs red wine vinegar
(any vinegar will do, it just softens your meat and makes it extra tender)
1 packet of taco seasoning
1 tsp chili powder
1 tbs minced garlic
2 tsp garlic salt
Fresh cilantro

Mix marinade and pour it in a gallon sized bag. I like to use frozen chicken and make it the night before so I have less work to do come dinner time. I used about 3 pounds of chicken (I feed a family of four, adjust measurements for your own needs). Stick it in the fridge over night!
This chicken is absolutely AMAZING grilled! But… I don’t know how to work my grill and my husband is working tomorrow so I will be frying it in a little coconut or olive oil on the stove tomorrow. I make tacos for my family with corn tortillas and chop it up for an AMAZING salad (with all the toppings I’d regularly put on a taco) for myself!
Tomorrow I’ll post photos of the finished product and the recipe for my DIVINE homemade salad dressing that goes with it!
If you try it, PLEASE let me know what you think!

Happy Healthy Cooking and Eating, Friends! 

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